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About the American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland

About the American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland (AUS)

For over three decades AUS has been preparing students with skills needed to thrive in the business world

Throughout its 30-year history, AUS has prepared international students with the relevant business knowledge, tools, and training to be positive contributors to any organization throughout their careers.

President’s Message

The entire world of higher education is evolving at an accelerating pace, with significant changes driven by a ‘new normal’ post-pandemic era. Year after year, the higher education landscape is growing more com|
The AUS history is characterized by continued transformation, growth, and improvement in a world of tremendous change; I am personally honored to coordinate the team that leads the institution through a time of change, a time of setting ambitious goals and aspirations.

The next five years of the AUS journey are characterized by substantial growth on all fronts. Internally, we are on an accelerated path of capacity building in order to continue enforcing our structure and leadership based on principles of shared governance, transparency, and predictability. Furthermore, we have embraced a quality management model that has at heart the enhancement of the student learning experience in an approach that capitalizes on dialogue with the main internal and external stakeholders - students, faculty, administrative staff, alumni, and external stakeholders - whose voices we incorporate into our teaching and learning strategy, as well as study program review.

Externally, we are strengthening new partnerships as part of our new community engagement strategy that builds on existing networks of alumni and representatives of the world on work and ensures that our educational offer is connected to the latest business developments and responds to the diverse labor market needs. We will continue working on identifying different avenues of cooperation with our external partners to increase our impact on the community within which we operate.

Globally, our institution joins the efforts of all individuals and organizations that have shifted their operations to a more sustainable way of work; we are therefore committing to review course and program learning objectives on a regular basis to ensure they are inclusive of sustainability competencies, but also to prioritize environmentally conscious and sustainable practices in our daily operations.

With enthusiasm and optimism toward our future
Dr. M. El Khansa
AUS equips its students pursuing a degree in international business with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to make a significant contribution to the development and success of any business organization. Through practice-oriented studies based on the application of scientific methods, research and development, AUS graduates will be prepared to become competent and confident leaders in the business world.
Our vision is to build a reputation as a prestigious and well-known private higher education institution in Switzerland that attracts students and faculty from all over the world.


  • Respect
    We value professional behavior and conduct based on respectful communication and actions
  • Excellence
    We provide value for money and are transformational in our approaches to learning and teaching by providing possibilities for personal and professional growth for our students, professors, staff, and stakeholders.
  • Accountability
    We hold ourselves accountable and adhere to the highest integrity and ethical standards. We act as resilient changemakers to be able to respond to increasingly complex global changes as we relentlessly transform ourselves to achieve greater impact and recognition.
  • Leadership
    We lead students through the process of developing their knowledge and abilities so that they can become impactful leaders of the future.
AUS strives to develop students soft and hard skills, for them to thrive in an ever-changing and challenging professional environment

The American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland offers students the opportunity to become part of and build their own professional network to support their career and build lifelong friendships
Discover our history
Learn more about interesting history of the American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland throughout the years
Discover our history
Learn more about interesting history of the American Institute of Applied Sciences in Switzerland throughout the years