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AUS Research

“We intend to create a better world.
To do this, AUS faculty, staff, and students pursue multidisciplinary research.”

AUS is dedicated to fostering and growing practical research skills and competencies for its students and faculty members.

Research Vision & Mission

The Research Committee believes that the vision for research and scholarly activity at AUS should be to:
Transform AUS into a recognized center for applied research in Switzerland that leverages regional intellectual, social, cultural, and economic assets for global impact.
The AUS Research mission is to increase the visibility and impact of applied research at AUS by fostering students' and faculty members' research skills and competencies.

Three major thematic areas are put forward as Research Strategic Pillars with specific goals and directions for each. Specifically, the AUS Research strategic pillars are:

Improve communication about AUS Research internally and externally.
Introduce internal process changes to increase research resources and productivity impact.
Increase support for fostering research skills and competencies for students and faculty members.
Improve communication about AUS Research internally and externally.
Introduce internal process changes to increase research resources and productivity impact.
Increase support for fostering research skills and competencies for students and faculty members.

      Testimonials from Research Participants

      • Letícia Moura
        Master in Marketing
        IPCA - Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave, Portugal
        "My participation in the workshop was a very enriching experience. It was the first time I attended an international conference and I can say that I felt very welcomed. The hosts of my session were very friendly and responsive, gave good advice and tips for improvements in our work. If the first edition has already brought such positive results, I believe that the next ones will be even better."
      • Jiyoon An
        Ph.D. in Business Administration | Assistant Professor of Marketing
        Fayetteville State University, NC, USA
        "The workshop was extremely helpful, as the leaders were knowledgeable, resourceful, and kind. I was able to identify what are the weaknesses and strengths in my research and how I can remedy them. This workshop would benefit those working on establishing an independent scholarship."
      • Mounia Moumen
        PhD Candidate | Faculty of Letters and Humanities
        Mohammed First University, Oujda, Morocco
        "My experience as a participant in the FMOS 2023 Young Researchers Workshop was inspiring.
        Interactions among young researchers from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds nurtured my growth mindset as a PhD candidate.
        The workshop was a good opportunity to get constructive feedback from mentors and knowledge from experts in the field of research. It helped me enhance my technical skills as a future scholar indeed."



      Research Team

      • Head of Research
      • g.catenazzo@aus.swiss
      Read More

      Visiting Researchers

      AUS Faculty Publication List

      Academic Journal Publications (peer-reviewed)

      • Catenazzo, G., and Paulssen, M. (2023). Experiencing defects: The moderating role of severity and warranty on quality perceptions, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJQRM-10-2021-0352, ABDC B, AJG 2, FNEGE 3, HCERES B, IF 2.768.
      • Harfouche, A., Quinio, B., Saba, M., and Saba P.B. (2022). The Recursive Theory of Knowledge Augmentation: Integrating human intuition and knowledge in Artificial Intelligence to augment organizational knowledge, Information Systems Frontiers, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10796-022-10352-8, ABDC A, AJG 3, FNEGE 3, HCERES B, IF 6.81.
      • Catenazzo, G. (online release 2022). Travellers’ preferences for high-speed rail services: a kick-off study, Anatolia An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/13032917.2022.2119593, ABDC B, AJG 1, IF 3.26.
      • Misiuk, A., Polak., M. and Zając A. (2022). The Impact of Simplified Inference Methods on the Results of Research on the Sense of Security, International Journal of Business and Applied Social Science, https://dx.doi.org/10.33642/ijbass.v8n3p7, IF 0.6.
      • Legg, M., Ampountolas, A., and Hancer, M. (2021). Senior leadership succession and market share. An Econometric case study on Native American casinos, Tourism Economics, 0(0), 1-21, https://doi.org/10.1177/13548166211035579, ABDC A, AJG 2, HCERES C, IF 4.582
      • Ampountolas, A., Nde, T., Date, P., and Constantinescu, C. (2021). Machine Learning approach for micro-credit scoring, Risks, 9(3), 1-20, https://doi.org/10.3390/risks9030050, ABDC B, IF 1.78
      • Ampountolas, A., and Chiffer, E. (2021). Will Blockchain shift Online Travel Agencies toward growth or to an end? Tourism Economics, 28(5), 1342-1347, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816620985371, ABDC A, AJG 2, HCERES C, IF 4.582
      • Ampountolas, A., and Legg, M. (2021). A Segmented Machine Learning Modeling Approach of Social Media for Predicting Occupancy Demand, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(6), 2001-2021, https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCHM-06-2020-0611, ABDC A, AJG 3, HCERES B, IF 6.514.
      • Misiuk, A., Itrich-Drabanek, J. Jurgilewicz, M., and Zając, A. (2021). Mediation in the administrative and court-administrative proceedings, Studia Iuridica no 89 Miscellanea, Wrocław, Poland: WUW.
      • Catenazzo, G., and Paulssen, M. (2020). Product defects are not created equal: prioritising production process improvements, Production Planning and Control, 31(4), 338-353, https://doi.org/10.1080/09537287.2019.1638979, ABDC A, AJG 3, CNRS 2, HCERES A, IF 7.044.
      • Ampountolas, A. (2020). Postcrisis REIT performance using financial ratios: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach, Tourism Economics, 28(2), 371-393, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816620962664, ABDC A, AJG 2, HCERES C, IF 4.582.
      • Ampountolas, A., Shaw, G., and James, S. (2020). Examining the relationships between market indicators and hotel pricing approaches, Tourism Economics, 27(8), 1591-1614, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816620925225, ABDC A, AJG 3, HCERES C, IF 4.582.
      • Dogru, T., Hanks, L., Ozdemir, O., Kizildag, M., Ampountolas, A., and Demirer, I. (2020). Does Airbnb have a homogenous impact? Examining Airbnb’s effect on hotels with different organizational structures, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 86, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhm.2020.102451, ABDC A*, FNEGE 3, HCERES B, IF 9.237.
      • Saglam, Y., and Ampountolas, A. (2020). The effects of shocks on Turkish tourism demand: Evidence using panel unit root test, Tourism Economics, 27(4), 859-866, https://doi.org/10.1177/1354816619899831, ABDC A, AJG 2, HCERES C, IF 4.582.
      • Ampountolas, A., Shaw, G., and James, S. (2019). The role of social media as a distribution channel for promoting pricing strategies, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2(1), 75-91, https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-07-2018-0040, ABDC C, IF 2.90.
      • Zając, A. (2019). Geneza community policing (cz.2) (The Genesis of Community Policing (part 2)), Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa, 1/2019, Poznań, Poland: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bezpieczeństwa.
      • Saba, M., Saba, P.B., and Harfouche, A. (2018), Hidden facets of IT projects are revealed only after deployment: The case of French agricultural cooperatives, Information Technology & People, 31(1), 239-255, https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-06-2016-0144, ABDC A, FNEGE 3, HCERES B, IF 3.879
      • Ampountolas, A. (2018), Peer-to-Peer marketplaces: A study on consumer purchase behaviour, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2(1), 37-54, https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-05-2018-0028, ABDC C, IF 2.90.
      • Duffy, T., Jost, M., and Rimmer, R. (2018). Evolving learning patterns among international hospitality students, The International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal, Special Collaborations Edition.
      • Zając, A. (2018). Geneza community policing (cz.1) (The Genesis of Community Policing (part 1)), Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa, 2/2018, Poznań, Poland: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bezpieczeństwa.
      • Saba, P.B., Saba, M., and Azouri, A. (2016), Competitive Innovation Matrix: a framework for open innovation, EuroMed Journal of Management, 1(2), 149-162, https://doi.org/10.1504/EMJM.2016.078849, ABDC C, AJG 1, IF 4.163.
      • Zając, A. (2016). Skuteczność środków cywilnych Wspólnej Polityki Bezpieczeństwa i Obrony Unii Europejskiej w dobie kryzysu migracyjnego (The Efficiency of CSDP's Civilian Instruments in the Migration Crisis), Sprawy Międzynarodowe, 2/2016.
      • Zając, A. (2016). W stronę kultury pokoju i bezpieczeństwa – ewolucja doktryn NATO (Towards peace and security - the evolution of NATO doctrines), Przegląd Naukowo-Metodyczny Edukacja dla Bezpieczeństwa, 1/2016, Poznań, Poland: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Bezpieczeństwa.
      • Zając, A. (2016) Wielki biznes - bezpieczny, praworządny i dlatego opłacalny? (Big Business - safe, legal and therefore profitable?), KontrolerINFO, no. 3, Warszawa, Poland.
      • Paulssen, M., and Catenazzo, G. (2015), No mercy for products: Recovery effects for products and services, Journal of Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 28, 90-103, ABDC B.
      • Saba, M., Bruté De Remur, D., and Gerbaix, S. (2014). ICT implementation. Going beyond expectations? An essay of interpretation through competitive intelligence, The International Strategic Management Review, 2(1), 46-55, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ism.2013.11.001, IF 7.91.
      • Matheson, C., Rimmer, R., and Tinsley, R. (2014). Spiritual attitudes and visitor motivations at the Beltane Fire Festival, Edinburgh, Tourism Management, 44, 16-33, ABDC A*, AJG 4, FNEGE 1, HCERES A, IF 10.967
      • Duffy, T., McCaig, M., McGrandles, A., Rimmer, R., and Martin, C. (2014). Review of the Integrity of a Self-Administered Motivational Instrument’, Nurse Education Today, 34(4), 625-630, IF 3.837
      • Catenazzo, G., Fragnière, E., and Guillaume-Gentil, N. (2014). Satisfaction and Pricing for Accounting Services to Very Small Enterprises, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 5(2), 145-164, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEA.2014.063764, ABDC C
      • Duffy, T., Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2012). Qualitative analysis of a Self- Administered Motivational Instrument (SAMI): promoting self-assessment and self- regulated learning. Reflecting Education, 8(1), IF 1.244
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2012). Small Shareholder Control of Listed Companies’ Administrators during Annual General Meetings: An Experimental Study, International Journal of Behavioural Accounting and Finance, 3(1/2), 46–64, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJBAF.2012.047361, ABDC C
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2011). Managing the Risks of the “Invisible”, Service Science, 3(3), i–v, ABDC B, AJG 1, IF 2.38
      • Donnelly, M., Rimmer, R., and Shui, E. (2011). Quality, value for money and satisfaction with police services, Policing: an International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 29(1), 92-105, IF 1.916
      • Catenazzo, G., Épalle, A., Fragnière, E., and Tuberosa, J. (2010).Testing the impact of Sustainable Development policies in Canton Geneva, Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 21(6), 845–861, https://doi/10.1108/14777831011077682, ABDC C, AJG 1, IF 4.77
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2010). Implementation of Compulsory Internal Control System within Swiss organisations: Perceptions among Accountants and Workers in Geneva, International Journal of Economics and Accounting, 1(1/2), 53–75, https://doi.org/10.1504/IJEA.2010.033901, ABDC C
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2010). Pricing Traditional Travel Agency Services: A Theatre-based Experimental Study. Journal of Service Science and Management, 3(2), 272–280, IF 0.91
      • Catenazzo, G., Fragnière, E., Ribordy, B., and Tuberosa, J. (2010). Is the 2008 Financial Turmoil Increasing the Risk of a Bank Run? An empirical Research in Geneva. International Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 6(1), 29–45.
      • Duffy, T., and Rimmer, R. (2009). The positive impact of a Self-Administered Motivational Instrument (SAMI) on approaches to study and attainment, Reflecting Education, 5(2), 104-115, IF 1.244
      • Reeves, A., and Rimmer, R. (2008). Assessing learning in an Executive MBA, International Journal of Management Education, 7(1), 13-28, ABDC C, AJG 1, FNEGE 1, IF 2.707
      • Donnelly, M., McCormack, D., and Rimmer, R. (2007). Load and academic attainment in two business schools, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 32(6), 1-18, IF 4.984

      Other AUS Books include

      • Catenazzo, G. (ongoing). Cases on Traveler Preferences, Attitudes and Behaviors: Impact on the Hospitality Industry, Hershey, PA, United States of America: IGI Global.
      • Catenazzo, G. (2022). Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Services in the Post-COVID-19 Era, Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
      • Duffy, T., and Rimmer, R. (2008). Improving Students Motivation to Learn, Exeter, United Kingdom: Reflect
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière E. (2008). La gestion des services, Paris, France: Economica.
      • Rimmer, R., and Rimmer, S. (1994). More Brilliant Careers, Canberra, Australia: Australian Governmental Publishing Service.
      • Rimmer, R. (1993). Income Distribution in a Corporate Economy, Aldershot, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing.
      • Rimmer, R. (1983). Generic Bifurcations for Involutory Area Preserving Maps, Providence, RI, United States of America: Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society.

      Book Chapters

      • Zając, A. and Misiuk, A. (2023). Gendarmerie in Poland. Outline of history. In Carbone, F. (Eds.) Forza alla Legge. Studi Storici su Carabinieri, Gendarmerie e Polizie Armate, Italy: Fvcina di Marte.
      • Catenazzo, G. (2022). Preface: A snapshot into Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Services in the Post-COVID-19 Era (editorial). In Catenazzo, G. (Eds.) Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Services in the Post-COVID-19 Era, Hershey, PA, United States of America: IGI Global.
      • Catenazzo, G. (2022). Frequent Flyers Programmes (FFPs). In Buhalis, D. (Eds.) Encyclopaedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom and Northampton, MA, United States of America: Edward Elgar Publishing, https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800377486.frequent.flyer.programme.
      • Barbieri, S., Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2021). Service Design and Enterprise Risk Management for Knowledge-Based Services: A Practical Approach for Auditors and Consultants. In Aytekin, G. K., & Doğru, Ç. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Recent Perspectives on Management, International Trade, and Logistics, Chapter No. 1, pp. 1-19, Hershey, PA, United States of America: IGI Global, http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-5886-7.ch001
      • Zając, A., (2021). 11 Encyclopedia Entries. In Misiuk, A., Itrich-Drabanek, J. & Dobrowolska-Opała, M. (Eds.), Encyklopedia Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego, Warsaw, Poland, ELIPSA.
      • Zając, A. (2021). Niektóre implikacje psychologicznej koncepcji heurystyk dla nauk o bezpieczeństwie (Some Implications of the Psychological Conception of Heuristics for Security Sciences). In Ważniewska, J. (Eds.) Elementy teorii i praktyki transdyscyplinarnych badań problemów bezpieczeństwa, tom XII, Bezpieczeństwo i jego zagrożenia, pp. 61-78, Siedlce, Poland: Wyd. IKRiBL.
      • Harfouche, A., Arida, J., El Rassi, M.A.B., Bou Saba, P., and Saba, M. (2020). Success and Failure of the Institutionalization of IS Dispositives Within Organizations: The Effect of External Pressures and the Role of Actors. In: Baghdadi, Y., Harfouche, A., and Musso, M. (Eds.) ICT for an Inclusive World. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Vol. 35, pp. 439-452, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-34269-2_30.
      • Saba, P.B., Saba, M., and Harfouche, A. (2019). Identifying Disguised Objectives of IT Deployment Through Action Research. In: Baghdadi, Y., Harfouche, A. (Eds.) ICT for a Better Life and a Better World. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation, Vol. 30, Cham, Switzerland: Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-10737-6_5
      • Zając, A. (2019). Próby implementacji community policing w Polsce (Community policing in Poland – implementation attempts). In Ostrowska, M. (Eds.) Nowe kierunki w badaniach i naukach o edukacji i bezpieczeństwie w XXI wieku, Kraków, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza AFM.
      • Zając, A. (2016). Zagrożenie bezpieczeństwa obywateli państw Unii Europejskiej w związku z nieopanowanym kryzysem migracyjnym w 2015 roku (Threats to EU citizens’ safety due to the migrant crisis of 2015). In Musiał-Karg, M. (Eds.) Bezpieczeństwo Europy i Unii Europejskiej w czasach kryzysu, Poznań, Poland.
      • Zając, A. (2016). Bezpieczeństwo obywateli Polski ze względu na handel ludźmi - współpraca Policji z jej odpowiednikami w państwach europejskich i Europolem (Human trafficking and Polish citizens' security - the cooperation between the Polish Police, other European Police forces and Europol). In Żylińska, J., Przychocka, I., Filipowska-Tuthil, M. (Edn.) Współczesne wyzwania nauk społecznych i ekonomicznych, Warszawa, Poland.
      • Zając, A. (2016). Bezpieczeństwo Polaków w sytuacjach nagłych – współdziałanie urzędów centralnych w zarządzaniu kryzysowym (The security of Polish citizens in emergencies - coordination of central institutions in crisis management). In Żylińska, J., Przychocka, I., Filipowska-Tuthil, M. (Edn.) Współczesne wyzwania nauk społecznych i ekonomicznych, Warszawa, Poland.
      • Saba, M., and Gerbaix, S. (2013). Théorie de l'acteur-réseau, intelligence collective et coopératives agricoles, Management des Technologies Organisationnelles, No. 3, pp. 163-174, Paris, France: Collection Économie et gestion, Presse des Mines.
      • Catenazzo, G., D’Urso, J., Fragnière, E., and Tuberosa, J. (2012). Influences of Public Ecological Awareness and Price on Potable Water Consumption in the Geneva Area. InW. Leal Filho (Eds.): Climate Change and the Sustainable Management of Water Resources, Chapter No. 32, pp. 499–513, Berlin, Germany: Springer Verlag, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22266-5_32
      • Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2010). School mathematics and university outcomes. In Marr, C., and Grove, M. (Eds.) Addressing the Quantitative Skills Gap: Establishing and sustaining cross- curricular mathematical support in higher education, HEA Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Network.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Death of the decoupling myth. In Gulati, R. (Eds.): Managing in a Downturn: Leading Business Thinkers on How to Grow when Markets Don’t, Chapter 13, Harlow, United Kingdom: Financial Times Prentice Hall.
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2009). Identifying Bank Run Signals through Sociological Factors: An Empirical Research in the Geneva Area. In G. Gregoriou (Eds.): The Handbook of Banking Crises, Chapter No. 26, pp. 489–502, London, United Kingdom: CRC Press, Chapman & Hall, https://doi.org/10.1201/9781439818541

      Case studies

      • Braga, C., Fabrio, S., and Noguchi, M. (2014). Dealing with Russian Regulatory Challenges: The Tobacco Industry Experience, IMD Business Case no. IMD-3-2419 and Teaching note.

      Professional publications, conference proceedings and press articles

      • Illy, P.-L., and Catenazzo, G. (2021). Le placement de produits dans un jeu video: accepté par les joueurs et gagnant pour la marque? Monde Economique, February 14.
      • Catenazzo, G. (2021). Comment gérer les risques de votre TPE-PME ? Monde Economique, February 8.
      • Tinsley, R., Rimmer, R., Matheson, C., and Campbell, G. (2020). A postsecular reading of festivals and events, mimeo, Edinburgh Napier University.
      • Catenazzo, G. (2020). Bientôt les vacances d’été ! Où irons-nous cet été ? Une enquête dans la Région lémanique, Monde Economique, July 6, 2020.
      • Hrankai, R., and Rimmer, R. (2019). Attitudes to careers in tourism and hospitality among international students in Switzerland, The International Hospitality and Tourism Student Journal, Special Collaborations Edition.
      • Fabrio, S. (2018). Will you Successfully Transition into Your Next Role? Wordpress.
      • Fabrio, S. (2018). Successful Product Development: From Dream To Reality, w B.Turchi
      • Fabrio, S. (2018). Innovation Balanced Scorecard: Measure Innovativeness of your Company, w B.Turchi.
      • Fabrio, S. (2017). Ask 'Why': Advice to startup co-founders, board members, investors, Wordpress.
      • Fabrio, S. (2016). Can exits accelerate the growth of Swiss entrepreneurship? Wordpress.
      • Jost, M., and Rimmer, R. (2016). Triggers, emotional mediators and reflective action in hospitality pedagogy, paper delivered to CHME Conference, University of Ulster, 4-6 May
      • Tinsley, R., Rimmer, R., and Matheson, C (2016) ‘Spiritual attitude, motivation and repeat attendance at the Beltane Fire Festival’, awarded the prize for the Best Paper in Tourism at the Council for Hospitality Management Education Annual Research Conference (CHME Conference), University of Ulster, 4-6 May
      • Fabrio, S. (2016). Four steps to benefit from the sharing economy,” Wordpress.
      • Lelescu, A. (2015). Predicting Future Scientific Discoveries Based on a Networked Analysis of the Past Literature, KDD '15 Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, September.
      • Houston, M., Osborne, M., and Rimmer, R. (2015). Private schooling and admission to medicine: a case study using matched samples and causal mediation analysis, BMC Medical Education, 15: 136, 7 pages.
      • Braga, C., and Fabrio, S. (2015). How to keep “license to operate” while navigating the regulatory labyrinth” IMD.
      • Rosselet, S. (2015). Globalization: an Impetus for Competition or Cooperation? DialogueReview. LID Publishing, June 5.
      • Rosselet, S. (2015). Is Spain a Rising Contestant in World Competitiveness? Richtopia.com, May 2.
      • Rosselet, S. (2015). Greece and the Troika – The Gunfighters’ Showdown, Richtopia.com, January 30.
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). Can a Nation’s Culture Drive Competitiveness? WordPress, November 27.
      • Fabrio, S. (2014). Regulation, a Threat or an Opportunity, Wordpress.
      • Spangler, S., …Lelescu, A…. (2014). Automated hypothesis generation based on mining scientific literature, KDD '14: Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining, August, 1877-1886, https://doi.org/10.1145/2623330.2623667.
      • Lelescu, A. (2014). The strategic IP insight platform (SIIP): A foundation for discovery, Annual SRII Global Conference (SRII).
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). Faut-il imposer des quotas féminins en entreprise?
      • 24Heures and Tribune de Genève,
      • August 15.
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). La propriété privée fait rêver, mais elle n’est qu’une illusion, 24Heures and Tribune de Genève,
      • June 20.
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). Le salaire minimum, une menace pour la compétitivité suisse, 24Heures and Tribune de Genève,
      • May 16.
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). U.S. Competitiveness: Time to Close the Skills Gap and Revive American Leadership, WordPress, March 31.
      • Osborne, M., Rimmer, R., and Houston, M. (2014). Adult Access to Higher Education: an international overview. In UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) The Role of Universities in Promoting Lifelong Learning. Hamburg: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.
      • Rosselet, S. (2014). A Long-Term View to Sustaining Competitiveness, WordPress, January 13.
      • Rosselet, S. (2013). Switzerland’s Model of Prosperity: Would the 1:12 Initiative Compromise its Competitiveness? IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, November; 24Heures and Tribune de Genève
      • , November 12.
      • Jost, M., Rimmer, R., and Seaman, C. (2013). Transformational learning among hospitality and tourism students, paper to the International Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre Switzerland Conference, November.
      • Duffy, T., and Rimmer, R. (2013). The essence of a learning style inventory, paper to the International Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre Switzerland Conference, November
      • Rosselet, S. (2013). Skill Shortages in Japan: Can Abenomics Close the Gender Gap and Build Global Leaders? IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, September; Moneycab, October 23. WordPress.
      • Jost, M., and Rimmer, R. (2013) ‘Triggers for transformational learning among hospitality and tourism students’, paper to Eurochrie 2013, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, October
      • Rosselet, S. (2013). U.S. Manufacturing is Key to Competitiveness, The Christian Science Monitor, February 8.
      • Rosselet, S. (2013). A New Year’s Resolution for President Obama: Time to Close the Skills Gap and Revive US Manufacturing, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, January.
      • Devitt, A., and Rosselet, S. (2012). Restoring Sustainable Competitiveness: Ireland, Progressive Economy, Dublin, July 11.
      • Matheson, C., Rimmer, R., and Tinsley, R. (2012). What brings people out on a cold night in Edinburgh to attend an uninhibited festival involving ancient rites and a bonfire? paper to The Global Events Conference V, Stavanger, Norway, June 13-15 and to the International Conference on Tourism and Events: Opportunities, Impacts and Change, Belfast, June 20-22
      • Coy, D., Duffy, T., and Rimmer, R. (2012). Analysis of the impact of culture and gender on the deep and strategic approaches to study of hospitality management students in Switzerland, paper to the ELSIN Conference 2012, Bangor, Wales, June 26-28.
      • Matheson, C., Rimmer, R., and Tinsley, R. (2012). An understanding of audience involvement at the Beltane Fire Festival, Edinburgh, paper to the 8th International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Sörenberg, Switzerland, April 19-20.
      • Rimmer, R. (2012). Student decision making and academic outcomes, invited paper to the 8th International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Sörenberg, Switzerland, April 19-20. Jost, M., and
      • Rimmer, R. (2012). Transformative learning, epistemic change and study among hospitality and tourism students, paper to the 8th International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Sörenberg, Switzerland, April 19-20. Coy, D., Duffy, T., and
      • Rimmer, R. (2012). Culture, gender and learning styles among international hospitality students, paper to the 8th International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Sörenberg, Switzerland, April 19-20.
      • Bell, V., Murray, J., and
      • Rimmer, R. (2012). Evaluating QM Advance, invited paper to the Universities Scotland Student Retention Workshop, Queen Margaret University, January 19.
      • Rosselet, S. (2011). Leveraging Competitiveness to Tackle Short-Termism, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, November.
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2011). Internal Control Systems in Switzerland: Are We Ready? Results of an Academic Survey. Newsletter of the Swiss Association of Internal Audit (IIA Switzerland), November and December, p. 7–8.
      • Matheson, C., Rimmer, R., and Tinsley, R. (2011). What brings people to an unconventional festival on a cold night? An understanding of audience involvement in the Beltane Fire Festival, paper to the International Conference on Tourism and Management Studies, Algarve, October 26-29.
      • Rosselet, S. (2011). Back on Top and Proud: The U.S. Regains the Top Spot in World Competitiveness,” Washington Examiner and San Francisco Examiner, U.S., July.
      • Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2011). Simultaneity in student decision making and institutional data’, paper to the Conference of the Higher Educational Institutional Research Network, Kingston upon Thames, June, 16-17.
      • Rosselet, S., and Smit, W. (2011). Sing a Song for Singapore Brands, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, February.
      • Lelescu, A. (2011). Systematic Web Data Mining with Business Architecture to Enhance Business Assessment Services, SRII Global Conference (SRII).
      • Rosselet, S. (2011). Knowledge Transfer as a Driver of Competitiveness, Kazakhstan International Business Magazine, January.
      • Nie, W., and Rosselet, S. (2011). China’s Glass Ceiling: The Story of a Country’s Rise and Problems with Competitiveness, BusinessForum China, December 2010; Milano Finanza, January 18; IMD Great Debate, January.
      • Lelescu, A. (2010). SIMPLE: Interactive analytics on patent data, ICDMW 2010, The 10th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, Sydney, Australia, December 14.
      • Duffy, T., Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2010). Qualitative analysis of a self-administered motivational instrument: implications for students, teachers and researchers, paper for the European Learning Styles Information Network, (ELSIN 2010) Conference, University of Aveiro, Portugal, June and submitted to Reflecting Practice in Education.
      • Rosselet, S. (2010). The Dragon versus the Elephant, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges; Shanghai Daily and China Daily, China; The Nation, Thailand. El Dragón Contra el Elefante :
      • El Empresario, Mexico; La Carta de la Bolsa and Ejecutivos Magazine, Spain; América Economia
      • , Chile, April/May.
      • Quinn, B., and Rimmer, R. (2010). International students: academic, employability and career outcomes, paper for the International Hospitality and Tourism Research Conference, Switzerland, 19-20 May.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Benchmarking the U.S. Health Care System in the Global Economy, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, December.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). The Nuts and Bolts of China’s Competitiveness, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, October.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). China at a Competitiveness Crossroads, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, August; Revista Epoca Negocios, Brazil, August 17.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). China in World Competitiveness: Will China Move up the Competitiveness Ladder? Business Forum China (German business publication), August.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Knowledge Transfer and Innovation, Business Spotlight Magazine, Germany, April.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Responsible Competitiveness in series: Global Business Leadership in a Time of Crisis: Issues and Challenges, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges; Jakarta Times, Indonesia; Gazeta Mercantil, Brazil, March.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Global Crisis: Who will be the survivors? IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, February; Valor Economico, Brazil, March.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Death of the Decoupling Myth, Financial Times, January 29; FT Deutschland, February 13.
      • Rosselet, S. (2009). Reasons for Optimism, The Bridge, SwissChambers in-flight magazine for Swiss Airlines, Swisscham.org, January.
      • Catenazzo, G., and Fragnière, E. (2008). Fonction clé dans la gestion d’entreprise: le risk management. Entreprise Romande, n° 3005, p. 17–18, December 12.
      • Rosselet, S. (2008). Impact of President-elect Obama on U.S. Competitiveness, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, October (also published in several foreign newspapers).
      • Rosselet, S. (2008). Keeping the U.S. Number One in Competitiveness, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, September.
      • Garelli, S., and Rosselet, S. (2008). The New Waves of Globalization and Competitiveness, IMD OWP Book, August.
      • Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2008). School mathematics and university outcomes’, paper to the Conference on Mathematics Support at University, University of St Andrew’s. In Grove, M., and Marr, C., Addressing the Quantitative Skills Gap: Establishing and sustaining cross-curricular mathematical support in higher education, Glasgow: HEA Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Network.
      • Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2008). Using institutional data to understand and augment the learning experiences of diverse student groups, paper to Exploring the Hinterland: Mapping an Agenda for Institutional Research in the UK, Southampton Solent University, June.
      • Rosselet, S. (2008). How Much Longer Will the U.S. Remain the Leader in World Competitiveness? IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, May.
      • Houston, M., and Rimmer, R. (2008). Learning dynamics in an ex-industrial region, paper to PASCAL European Network of Regions of Lifelong Learning, University of Limerick, May.
      • Rosselet, S. (2008). Capturing Knowledge to Boost Performance: Why Should it be a Priority?” IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, April.
      • Catenazzo, G., and D’Urso, J. (2008). Les genevois préfèrent une taxe sur l’or bleu que sur l’or noir. L’Agefi, March 18.
      • Lorange, P., and Rosselet, S. (2007). Taiwan: The Challenge to Speed Up, Global Industry and Commerce, Taiwan, October 15.
      • Rosselet, S. (2007). Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland as Global Players in the World Economy, Business Club Belgo-Luxembourgeois Magazine, June.
      • Rosselet, S. (2007). India: The Emerging Brain Power, IMD’s Tomorrow’s Challenges, April.
      • Rosselet, S. (2007). Malgré ses Faiblesses, l’Inde a de Solides Atouts pour Intéresser les Investisseurs, Le Temps, Switzerland, March 23.
      • Rosselet, S. Methodology and Principles of Analysis”, IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook, 2001-2012.
      • Rosselet, S. IMD World Competitiveness Yearbooks 2001- 2011.
      • Rosselet, S. IMD Special Reports: Emirate of Abu Dhabi (2011, 2007), Mongolia (2011, 2010),Kuala Lumpur-State of Malaysia (2009), United Arab Emirates (2009), Sultanate of Oman (2009, 2004), Terengganu-State of Malaysia (2009), Kazakhstan (2008), Galicia, Spain (2008), Selangor-State of Malaysia (2007), Ile-de-France, France (2007), Qatar (2006), Sabah-State of Malaysia (2006), Emirate of Dubai (2005), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2002).
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