Student Affairs
Campus Life
Student Affairs
Campus Life
Credit Transfer
The credit transfer system at AUS is based on the principle of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), defined as a process through which previously assessed and certificated learning is considered and, as appropriate, recognized for academic purposes. It can enable a student to transfer credit gained within one program of study to another program of study at the same time or at a different institution. Credit can be used from a previously uncompleted or completed award.
Transfer credits are accepted from recognized colleges and universities for those courses that are comparable to those delivered at AUS. The assessment of RPL for purposes of credit transfer within a program focuses on assessing the comparability of the outcomes of learning to those of the course level rather than seeking an exact match.

Credit Transfer Application

During the Admissions Interview, prospective students to AUS have the opportunity to communicate to the AUS team if they qualify and intend to apply for a credit transfer or prior learning recognition; in this case, candidates will be asked to provide the documents included in the section below to the Student Affairs team. All the necessary information pertaining to the admissions process is regulated in the Policy and Procedures for Admissions, which also provides details regarding the channels that students can use to submit their applications and relevant documents.
Students can also decide to submit a request for credit transfer at any point during their studies at AUS, provided that it is no later than three months prior to the commencement of a term.

In this case, applications should be submitted to study@aus.swiss.

Credit transfer process

Regardless of the moment when an application for credit transfer is initiated, the following process steps apply:

The applicant is requested to submit the following documents:

  • The official academic transcript with final grades certified by the institution where the credits were obtained;
  • The course descriptions/syllabi for each course/module the transfer is sought for.
In case any of the documents be in a language other than English, applicants must produce notarized translations in English of all records, at their own expense, prior to submission of the application to AUS.
Once the application is received, the Dean of Academics calls the Academic Committee to analyze the credit transfer request;
the committee reserves the right to accept or reject credits earned at other higher education institutions in accordance with AUS program structure, academic regulations, assessment process, internship, and student’s progression criteria. The Academic Committee will therefore assess the comparability and applicability of the credit transfer, and decisions will be informed by the nature, content, quality, and level of transfer credit and the appropriateness and applicability of the credit earned.
Based on the analysis of the Academic Committee,
the Dean of Academics makes a recommendation for approval of the Management Committee.
The approval letter of credit transfer should clearly indicate the course names and credits transferred,
the academic level, as well as the proposed academic path. In case a credit transfer application was submitted at the time of admissions, the Offer Letter presented to the candidate will reflect the course names and credits transferred, the academic level, and the remaining academic journey during the enrolment with AUS.
If a student wants to retake a class for which they have credit transferred,
they have to submit a request in this regard to the Student Affairs team. The assessment results for this class are to be reflected on the student transcript.
For more information about Credit Transfer please refer to our Credit Transfer Policy and Procedure.

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