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IBM SkillsBuild Initiative at AUS

The IBM SkillsBuild Initiative is an innovative program that empowers students to graduate with hands-on experience on the latest technologies and tools that will help them build skills that are in demand for today’s workforce.
As an accredited institution with the IBM SkillsBuild Initiative, AUS has a first hand view into the latest technologies and business trends across several industries. AUS students and faculty members have access to certification training programs, tutorials, and real business use cases based on open standards and IBM technologies in key strategic areas such as AI, data science, automatization, cloud computing, and security.

The IBM SkillsBuild Initiative program allows AUS students to receive IBM credentials as digital ‘badges’ marking their learning achievements using Credly. The students can easily share and promote their achievements on social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, as well as their own personal web pages and blogs.

IBM Badges

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Cloud
  • Data science
  • Cybersecurity
  • Sustainability
With IBM digital badges, the learning achievement can be expressed as a shareable digital record. The digital record can provide all of the information needed by employers to decide on how much value to assign to the activity. The digital badge serves as a proxy transcript for the activity. 92% of survey respondents said IBM digital badges improve their employability.
This new collaboration between AUS and IBM illustrates our institution’s commitment to partnering with employers to provide new opportunities for our students to continuously advance their skills and achieve their professional goals.

Our Programs

Studying a Bachelor Degree at the AUS students will acquire a broad base of knowledge in fundamental business practices, develop essential skills, and have the option to increase their knowledge in specific specializations from Accounting and Marketing.
Our goal at AUS is for our MIBA students to be fully prepared to lead and manage today’s competitive global marketplace. Our curriculum is application-based through experiential learning and focuses on the hard and soft skills business leaders will need in the 4IR.