Student Affairs
Campus Life
Student Affairs
Campus Life

AUS is on a promising journey of change

American University in Switzerland Image
AUS is very enthusiastic to announce that the institution has gone through an intense organizational restructuring of its key governance structures. As part of our institution's commitment to good governance principles such as transparency and accountability, AUS is now publishing on its website the organization chart, as well as membership, Terms of Reference, and summary of decisions for all its governance bodies. As previously announced on our platforms, a new Dean of Academics and Quality Assurance Director have joined the AUS team, which adds to our enthusiasm in the capacity and capability of the institution as it embraces a new future.

We have also revisited and empowered our committee structure which is now enforcing the principle of shared governance, ensuring the representation of teaching staff, students, and external stakeholders in consultative and decision-making processes across the institution.

Furthermore, AUS has increased the transparency of its internal provisions and is now undergoing a process of revamping its policies, procedures, and processes; as we progress on this task, more and more of the AUS policies are becoming publicly available on our website.

In regards to its strategic goals, AUS has revisited its Strategic Plan 2022-2023 and will soon commence broad consultations in order to engage all internal and external stakeholders in defining our institutional priorities and aspirations.

Finally, we have redefined our Quality Assurance Strategy, which now includes the whole range of institutional activities - governance, administration, strategic planning, administration, staff performance review, and enhancement of teaching and learning - with the overarching goal of enhancing the student learning experience.

Please visit our official website to learn more about these changes, and stay tuned for news!

AUS steps in this New Year with optimism, enthusiasm, and strong ambitions, and we hope to rely on our students, faculty, and external partners to join in!