Student Affairs
Campus Life
Student Affairs
Campus Life

Coronavirus Regulations and Recommendations

American University in Switzerland Image
American University in Switzerland Image
American University in Switzerland Image
AUS Campus Regulations Coronavirus Protection
Masks are obligatory throughout the campus
Please respect
social distancing of 1.5m
at all times
Hands should be
disinfected often
The campus is sanitized on a regular basis to ensure everyone’s safety
If any symptom is detected,
stay home and inform the AUS team
If you show signs of any COVID-19 symptoms, please complete the ‘Corona Check’ which will advise you on the next steps to take: https://coronavirus.unisante.ch/en

Coronavirus Information in Switzerland

Situation in Switzerland
Find out about cases of coronavirus infections and deaths, epidemiological situation, search for antibodies, advisory body, press conferences, news
SwissCovid app and contact tracing
SwissCovid app for mobile phones, contact tracing (breaking transmission chains)
Measures and Ordinances
Measures, easing of measures, conditions for reopening, permitted events or activities, still prohibited, criminal provisions, explanations
What to do in the event of symptoms and possible infection
What to do in the event of symptoms and following contact with an infected person. Information on isolation and quarantine
Protect yourself and others
Rules on hygiene and social distancing: keep your distance, wash your hands, cough/sneeze into a paper tissue/the crook of your arm, stay at home if you experience symptoms, recommendations on wearing masks and working from home
Disease, symptoms, treatment
Symptoms of disease, range of illness severity, treatment, COVID-19, new coronavirus
Testing strategy, coverage of the costs of tests, overview of the different types of tests, when to get tested, and where to get tested
Information on vaccine procurement, what a vaccine is, and the objective of a vaccine against Covid-19 as well as the development of a vaccine.
The requirement to wear masks, masks in everyday life, types of mask and where to buy them, correct use of masks
Information for Travellers
Recommendations for travel abroad, conditions for entry into Switzerland, mandatory quarantine for persons arriving in Switzerland
International Situation
Cases of coronavirus infections and deaths in neighbouring countries
Health insurance arrangements
Coverage of medical expenses, tariffs, and financing