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Student Affairs
Campus Life

AUS Research Updates - December 2023

December 2023 marked a new milestone in AUS research activities: our research team organized and hosted the 1st international conference on Safety, Security and Risk Management (#SSRM23).
This scientific event was performed online on the 11th and 12th of December and gathered researchers and practitioners worldwide. We had the chance to welcome four internationally renewed keynote speakers, two leading international academics from France and Switzerland, and two field experts with extensive experience in Switzerland and globally. Our keynote speakers inspired delegates with their presentations and discussions on the front running of SSRM disciplines. Next, participating scholars presented their ongoing research efforts and debated their findings, methodology, and perspectives. SSRM conference 1st edition welcomed twelve research presentations authored by twenty international scholars from Brazil to Kuwait, through the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Poland, and Greece. Additional listeners, practitioners, and academics joined us in the first edition of this successful event.

For further information, please go to https://aus.swiss/ssrm-2023 and check out our posts on social media.

There is still time to join us for our next research endeavors! After the holidays, we are setting up the 2nd edition of the international conference on Finance, Marketing, and Operations for Sustainable Business (#FMOS2024). We seek keynote speakers (academics and professionals), partners and sponsors. Interested? Feel free to reach out to us at research@aus.swiss